PROJECTWEBSITE EVA builds a bomb shelter

Party At The End Of The World
In the Vondelbunker EVA build a shelter in 5 weeks and everyone was invited to be safe and to fantasize about the end of the world. In times like these, with climate-crises, social emptiness, fear, war and poverty; Do you feel a growing, gnawing uneasyness whilst going about your bussiness?
With THE PARTY AT THE END OF THE WORLD, EVA, a worried neighbour, created, together with the Vondelbunker, a temporary safe space for everyone to reflect, meet and talk about our greatest fears. She transformed the bunker back to it's original use, a bomb shelter: think bunkbeds, batteries, storage cupboards and wires... The normal programming of the bunker continued, everyone was welcome and there was always fresh apple pie in the oven. In the end 2733 people visited the installation, The Sad Song Open Mic Night and the groepexpo The End Of The World, it was magical!
The Party At The End Of The World took place between August 19th till September 22nd, mon/tu/thu/fri, from 11 am - 4 pm
OPENING | EVENT 1# | 10 September, 7 pm Sad Songs Open Mic Night VJ's and musical acts
>INFO & LINE-UPEVENT 2# | 14 september, 17.00 GROUPEXPO The End Of The World 2D-works by 15 artists [so far]
>INFO & LINE-UPThe installation was build with found and donated materials, everyone could participate in the Sad Open Mic Night and Karaoke or contribute a work for the groupsexpo! Sinds Corona EVA has been building all kinds of objects and installations with found- and donated materials: a spaceship, two lighthouses, an orgasm machine, a catapult chair, a meteorite viewer and most recently a time machine.
All Visitors, artists, donators and neighbours that were part of the project, by name or description, 2733 in total.